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Pope Francis' extraordinary visit to our country is being prepared with great enthusiasm and commitment. In the process, there are also a lot of necessary expenses.
The two universities are covering these for the Holy Father's visit to their campuses. The Belgian government is doing so for the reception of Pope Francis as head of state. We are very grateful to them.
The Belgian Catholic Church is supporting this pastoral visit. And to reach the budget needed for this, which includes among others the organization of the Holy Mass on Sunday and the deployment of audiovisual resources, we dare to appeal to your generosity.
You can contribute by making a donation to the special account BE60 7350 6617 1970 - Pope's Visit - Interdiocesan Centre, 1040 Brussels. Alternatively, use the digital tool by clicking here. Any amount is very welcome.
Many thanks in advance.

+ Luc Terlinden, President of the Belgian Bishops' Conference
Honorary Ambassador Alexis Brouhns, national coordinator of the papal visit to Belgium